

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

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Got Plans? 

Got Plans? 

I’m tad bit OCD.

So to me, plans are a tad bit attractive.

I don’t just love planning; I love planning plans. Heck, I love planning plans to plan plans.

I see some nice plans and have to use my index finger to lower my shades to my nose and wink at them real quick. Dat plan. So organized, dotted points, crisp border, slick font, arrows, boxes and circles. I like all of dat.

Continue reading “Got Plans? “

Where You Invest Your Love

Go ahead and grab some popcorn, this is a long one, but totally worth it, with special guest: Shama Mreme!!!!

Find someone worth your investment and invest whole-heartedly!!!!

Whilst writing this, Shama’s words continue to ring in my head, I check over my shoulder for him, “Shama, is that you?” Whew, no it’s not…. That was creepy!

Shama and King Lemuel’s mother both share similar inspiration in guiding people to be able to discern who or what is worth their investments. Shama speaking to youth everywhere, and this mother speaking affectionately to her son. That is the context of Proverbs 31 – a mom speaking affectionate wisdom to her son, the king.

Continue reading “Where You Invest Your Love”