

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

Continue reading ““TEAMzao””

Setting the Bar #3

Setting the Bar #3

This last month has easily contained the most problems we have ran into with our progress charting for you all in these “Setting the Bar” posts! Our last six weeks actually should have been half-way through August; however, some of our team was not healthy enough to make the post. Sense we have had these health issues and other complications, we have learned a lot about the reality of health for the body, mind, and soul.

Hopefully, seeing how we all have handled our health throughout these difficult situations can help inspire all of you reading to do your best in difficult situations, as well. Hopefully, all of us on the writting team here can help inspire one another, also.

Continue reading “Setting the Bar #3”

On continuing education

On continuing education

I have an old roommate from college; we just got back in contact after a few years of us doing our own thing. Every time we talk, he says something to the effect of, “You’ve been in school the whole time I’ve known you.” The sad part? He’s right. I’ve been an adult for 16 years. For eleven of those, I’ve been in school one way or another. And I’m going back for more. Continue reading “On continuing education”

Setting the Bar #2

Setting the Bar #2

Twelve weeks ago, four of us from the site got together and made a commitment to journal our progression through our health journeys in the areas of our minds, bodies, and souls. Six weeks ago, we shared some of what we had learned in this process with all of you. Now, we are back checking in on our progress and being open with you all, our readers. We do this so that we are held accountable for our progression, so that you all can look to us and see how we set our own bars, and so that anyone reading can join us in our journeys! Continue reading “Setting the Bar #2”

My Health Journey: One Foot In Front Of The Other

A few weeks back, I was having a discussion with a leader at my church about some of his health goals. One question that he asked me, I think is the same question most people with health goals ask first:

“Where do I start?”

Continue reading “My Health Journey: One Foot In Front Of The Other”

The first steps

Hello, new contributor Fanboy Pastor here. I’d like to share some things with you, and I hope that you’ll allow me to be real and transparent. If you were to meet me, you’d probably be disgusted by me. I am fat. No, I’m more than fat, I’m nearly 500 lbs, and only in my mid-30’s. I walk with a limp, and ever so slowly. Yet more than 2 years ago, I was happy and active, playing soccer with my young kids, shooting basketball from time to time, even enjoying going on walks. 5 years ago, I completed a 3k pushing 2 kids in a jogging stroller.

So, what happened? Continue reading “The first steps”

Real Life: Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol

Sometimes in order to really understand something, we need to hear real life events of how a particular lesson is learned; as such, today I’m writing to share my story concerning sex, drugs, and alcohol. Many people make the argument that they have to make mistakes in order to learn, but that is simply not true. Many before you have already made these mistakes and the wisdom they learned from it calls out to us all (Proverbs 8:1). My hope is that by sharing about how sex, drugs, and alcohol played a part in my life that many will hear wisdom crying out from my story. I know many reading this have yet to deal with these sorts of things and many have already been through similar events themselves, but I hope this story will be relatable to you all and hopefully we can all use wisdom from stories like this to change how our culture views these topics.
Continue reading “Real Life: Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol”