Generosity – The Proving Element of Love

Generosity – The Proving Element of Love


rarity_generosity_necklace_by_ryoki_fureaokibi-d4ieaj0.pngMe and Doctor Showbizhair watch a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It is an educational television series about the magic of friendship…. That’s what I choose to refer to it as, anyway. In this show, there exists something called “the elements of harmony”. These elements represent the magic that is found in friendship. And one of these elements is “generosity”.

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Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit

Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit


Hey everybody, long time no talk!  I have been extremely busy living life to the fullest.  I got married, my wife and I got a puppy, and I started a new full time job as a patient care tech – all while still going to school full time.  Sounds like I got a lot on my plate right?  Sounds like I am living life right?  Well, I am here today to say I have not been living the way I was supposed to be living.  To explain why I said this, I am going to tell you a little story: Continue reading “Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit”

Setting the Bar #2

Setting the Bar #2

Twelve weeks ago, four of us from the site got together and made a commitment to journal our progression through our health journeys in the areas of our minds, bodies, and souls. Six weeks ago, we shared some of what we had learned in this process with all of you. Now, we are back checking in on our progress and being open with you all, our readers. We do this so that we are held accountable for our progression, so that you all can look to us and see how we set our own bars, and so that anyone reading can join us in our journeys! Continue reading “Setting the Bar #2”

The Mentality of Faith: Abraham

We’ve looked into the lives of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar and seen many things. We’ve seen obedience, mistakes, jealousy, rage, faith, and doubts. We’ve seen real genuine emotions in these people and caught a glimpse of ourselves as well. The ways we interact with people and ways we often may not “measure up.” Despite the truth of the bad, we’ve also discussed how the story continues. How people can triumph even after a failure. And today, we’re finally going to see the pinnacle of Abraham’s faith. His greatest spiritual triumph. Let’s pick up where we left off.

Continue reading “The Mentality of Faith: Abraham”

The Parable of The Mark And The Quarterback

The Parable of The Mark And The Quarterback

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God…. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ESV)

Continue reading “The Parable of The Mark And The Quarterback”

The Mentality of Faith: Abram

Welcome back! Or for the first time. So far, we’ve taken a look at who God created us to be and what went on with the first sin. We’re going to keep moving through the Bible, trying to get into the minds of people to try and figure out what they went through and how it relates to us. I’m not stopping at every person we come across. So if you were hoping to see Cain and Abel or Noah this time we’re just not going there right now. We may come back at some point, but for now we’re moving forward.

Continue reading “The Mentality of Faith: Abram”

The Mentality of Faith: Failure and Fault

(Jessica) If you were here last time, then you should know how this works. If not, or you forgot, I’ll catch you up to speed. We’re on a journey through the minds of the people of the Bible. Each time we’ll meet someone, or come back to them while they face something new, and try to get inside their minds. What were they thinking? What fueled their choices? How can we relate to them? And the important realization that we always try to come back to, this is real.
Continue reading “The Mentality of Faith: Failure and Fault”

Artificially Sweet

Artificially Sweet

A couple weeks back, on the first day of my sociology class, my professor split the whole class into groups and gave us all a bag full of items found in the everyday home. He asked every group to identify how each item could “speak about” families (yes, he worded it that weirdly). One of the items in our bag was a small packet of Sweet’n’Low.

I immediately identified this item to represent how families can act sweet to one another, when they are really just being fake with one another.

…. Why did this thought come to me so immediately?

…. Why was my whole class so quick to agree with me in that sentiment?

It’s because, at some point, we all have either been fake with ourselves or had to deal with fake people in our lives, and we all have known the experience to be a bitter one!

Continue reading “Artificially Sweet”

The Mentality of Faith: The Created Man

Do you ever read the Bible and just feel like the people are more like stories, fables, or just flat boring historical figures than real, living, breathing, thinking people like you see every day? I know the Bible is a true account of real people, facing real problems, and dealing with a real, intimate, loving God; but sometimes, honestly, I don’t read it that way. Sometimes the story just overshadows the people. Continue reading “The Mentality of Faith: The Created Man”