

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

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Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit

Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit


Hey everybody, long time no talk!  I have been extremely busy living life to the fullest.  I got married, my wife and I got a puppy, and I started a new full time job as a patient care tech – all while still going to school full time.  Sounds like I got a lot on my plate right?  Sounds like I am living life right?  Well, I am here today to say I have not been living the way I was supposed to be living.  To explain why I said this, I am going to tell you a little story: Continue reading “Livin’: Body, Mind, and Spirit”

Setting the Bar #3

Setting the Bar #3

This last month has easily contained the most problems we have ran into with our progress charting for you all in these “Setting the Bar” posts! Our last six weeks actually should have been half-way through August; however, some of our team was not healthy enough to make the post. Sense we have had these health issues and other complications, we have learned a lot about the reality of health for the body, mind, and soul.

Hopefully, seeing how we all have handled our health throughout these difficult situations can help inspire all of you reading to do your best in difficult situations, as well. Hopefully, all of us on the writting team here can help inspire one another, also.

Continue reading “Setting the Bar #3”

Setting the Bar #2

Setting the Bar #2

Twelve weeks ago, four of us from the site got together and made a commitment to journal our progression through our health journeys in the areas of our minds, bodies, and souls. Six weeks ago, we shared some of what we had learned in this process with all of you. Now, we are back checking in on our progress and being open with you all, our readers. We do this so that we are held accountable for our progression, so that you all can look to us and see how we set our own bars, and so that anyone reading can join us in our journeys! Continue reading “Setting the Bar #2”

Why God Doesn’t Want Your Sacrifice….

Why God Doesn’t Want Your Sacrifice….

Something I really hate to do is apologize. Not because I’m a bad person or because I think it wrong…. It’s just hard for me. I have to apologize for some of my past mistakes and past teachings. I have been glorifying and romanticizing self-sacrifice to the point that I missed the point of scripture at certain points in my life. I would love to just start with that straight apology and get it over with, but as a story teller I have forbade myself from starting with the climax.
Continue reading “Why God Doesn’t Want Your Sacrifice….”

Setting The Bar. Post 1.

Setting The Bar. Post 1.

Six weeks ago some of our team got together and decided to share our health journey with everyone. We want to show you, our readers, what it looks like to really be on the journey. None of us are perfect and we are all at different places in our journey, but we are all trying our best and want to reach out to all of you to help you try and do your best also.

Our desire with these posts is to set the bar for ourselves and all of you, so every six weeks we want to update all of our readers about where we were six weeks ago, where we are now, and where we want to be in the next six weeks. This health journey is a spiritual, mental, and bodily journey that we are all excited to share with you!!!! 

Continue reading “Setting The Bar. Post 1.”

What Is The Purpose of Peace?

What Is The Purpose of Peace?

So, there I was in the spot. There are many spots at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and the surrounding area, that have personal significance to me. This spot I am currently talking about is a bridge at the back of the university, near some of the dorms. The bridge goes over a storm trench that is usually filled with water. It is a rather beautiful spot that is often void of other people. This was me and my best freind’s place of peace on campus, to have our important life discusions. We have had many conversations there over the last few years.

I recently got to visit my friend at the campus. Before he got there, I went to this spot. Initialy what I saw caused me slight dismay, until I thought about what really happened. The waters had ceded and wild foilage grew in its place. I initially missed seeing the peaceful waters there, but then I realised what the waters did: they gave way to life. This is always the purpose of peace – to give way to life. 

Continue reading “What Is The Purpose of Peace?”

My Health Journey: One Foot In Front Of The Other

A few weeks back, I was having a discussion with a leader at my church about some of his health goals. One question that he asked me, I think is the same question most people with health goals ask first:

“Where do I start?”

Continue reading “My Health Journey: One Foot In Front Of The Other”

Are You Prepared for the Mount?

Are You Prepared for the Mount?

So this month, a lot of our posts are supposed to be focused on “living” (I guess my theme of Zombies and Killer Robots did not make the cut).

I was asked to write about a subject that is near and dear to my heart. See, over the last few years, I tend to get hooked on many rants concerning health and religion. For example, when living an unhealthy and ungodly life, there has to be a TRANSFORMATION to undo the type of life that a person has been living, (this is obviously just the subject in a nutshell. It is far more intricate then I have led you to believe).

IMG_20160211_104428Another rant I can get stuck on is LOVE…but you all already know that from my super hero perona THE LOVE ARROW.

However, today’s rant is a rant that I have not talked about for a long time. See, I had to write a quick 5 minute talk (possible sermon I suppose?), for a Christian Discipleship class about a year ago. For this talk, I turned to a subject that I had recently researched on then, when it came to give the sermon, I became very passionate about this subject and did not want to stop when the professor called time (and he gave me longer than he said, because he loved the passion too).

So sit back, relax, and enjoy this post as I talk about the importance of PREPAREDNESS.

Continue reading “Are You Prepared for the Mount?”