

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

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The Story of the Mining Town

The Story of the Mining Town

The whistle blows and everyone in the factory gets to go home in Baxter Springs, Kansas. Three of said workers at this steel factor were young boys from the near-by town of Greans. These boys were well on their way into manhood, but they had not seen much of the world outside these two towns and they still loved to play. So, on the way home, they stopped to explore the caves some – as many young men would.

Continue reading “The Story of the Mining Town”

On continuing education

On continuing education

I have an old roommate from college; we just got back in contact after a few years of us doing our own thing. Every time we talk, he says something to the effect of, “You’ve been in school the whole time I’ve known you.” The sad part? He’s right. I’ve been an adult for 16 years. For eleven of those, I’ve been in school one way or another. And I’m going back for more. Continue reading “On continuing education”

Setting the Bar #2

Setting the Bar #2

Twelve weeks ago, four of us from the site got together and made a commitment to journal our progression through our health journeys in the areas of our minds, bodies, and souls. Six weeks ago, we shared some of what we had learned in this process with all of you. Now, we are back checking in on our progress and being open with you all, our readers. We do this so that we are held accountable for our progression, so that you all can look to us and see how we set our own bars, and so that anyone reading can join us in our journeys! Continue reading “Setting the Bar #2”

The Mentality of Faith: Abraham

We’ve looked into the lives of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar and seen many things. We’ve seen obedience, mistakes, jealousy, rage, faith, and doubts. We’ve seen real genuine emotions in these people and caught a glimpse of ourselves as well. The ways we interact with people and ways we often may not “measure up.” Despite the truth of the bad, we’ve also discussed how the story continues. How people can triumph even after a failure. And today, we’re finally going to see the pinnacle of Abraham’s faith. His greatest spiritual triumph. Let’s pick up where we left off.

Continue reading “The Mentality of Faith: Abraham”

Setting The Bar. Post 1.

Setting The Bar. Post 1.

Six weeks ago some of our team got together and decided to share our health journey with everyone. We want to show you, our readers, what it looks like to really be on the journey. None of us are perfect and we are all at different places in our journey, but we are all trying our best and want to reach out to all of you to help you try and do your best also.

Our desire with these posts is to set the bar for ourselves and all of you, so every six weeks we want to update all of our readers about where we were six weeks ago, where we are now, and where we want to be in the next six weeks. This health journey is a spiritual, mental, and bodily journey that we are all excited to share with you!!!! 

Continue reading “Setting The Bar. Post 1.”




We’re all going somewhere individually.

This reality settled in my brain a few months after becoming the interim youth pastor at my church. It scared me and gave me peace.

I had organized my whole ministry model and goals in terms of taking everyone from point A to point B. Then I realized that in order for that to happen, we all needed to be in the same place to start off with. Same background, same family dynamic, same academic goals, same state of mind, etc.

News flash. We aren’t. Continue reading “THERE”