

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

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The Responsible Party

The Responsible Party

Now for the fun part, the difficult questions. In the last post , I talked about when it was okay to judge, be judgemental, and when to speak out about our judgements. However, that leaves a lot of questions for some of us:

  • Are Christians responsible for whether unbelievers hear truth or not?
  • Is someone who never heard the gospel responsible for not believing in Christ?
  • If someone were to get pregnant after being raped, are they responsible for the life produced?

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The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire

The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour (1 John 2:18 ESV). 

We created sin. We often create our own demons, antichrists, and downfalls. Just like the kingdom of heaven is not coming but is already here, so one may argue that the end times are not coming but are already upon us. We can either live in fear and create our own end, or we can choose to spread the messages of love, salvation, and hope durring these times.

Each soul is a spark thrown out into a dark world. We can choose to either light the world ablaze with fear and hatred or with hope and love. Continue reading “The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire”

The Parable of The Mark and The Orphanage

The Parable of The Mark and The Orphanage

No one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name (Revelation 13:17).

Our time, effort, and funds reflect our heart condition. This is what worship truly is. What you spend your time, effort, and money on is what you worship. We choose to worship ourselves, we choose gods and idols to worship, or we choose to worship selfless love. The choice is made in the heart, but reflected through the stewardship of these things.

The following parable was written by Joshua Noel as part three of five in a parable series, called "The Mark".

In the town like any other,
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For Your Kingdom Come Part 2: Soldiers For Christ

For Your Kingdom Come Part 2: Soldiers For Christ

So in my last post I talked about having a hope for brighter days. But what are we going to do when difficult people and situations come our way? Are we going to bow down and allow these people or situations to walk all over us and put us back in a situation that is now hopeless? 

Hopefully by now you have come to the conclusion that hope and faith in God is the only way that we can get through any obstacle, but here’s my question: is there a way we can put God and his kingdom into action? What I mean by this is that all the time I look around and I see Christians say “Well, I can’t do that because I will be mean,” or “How am I supposed to do that without offending somebody?” Well here’s the answer…

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The Mentality of Faith: Abram

Welcome back! Or for the first time. So far, we’ve taken a look at who God created us to be and what went on with the first sin. We’re going to keep moving through the Bible, trying to get into the minds of people to try and figure out what they went through and how it relates to us. I’m not stopping at every person we come across. So if you were hoping to see Cain and Abel or Noah this time we’re just not going there right now. We may come back at some point, but for now we’re moving forward.

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Jalynn Hoefs and a Demonstration of Moral Excellence: Patience

Jalynn Hoefs and a Demonstration of Moral Excellence: Patience

Patience is a virtue.

That is a phrase my mom always says when waiting seems hard. My name is Jalynn Hoefs. I come from a military family of five. For anyone that has ever been a part of a military family, you know the hardships of moving place to place.  It seems like all you do is wait.

There was a time when we were moving and our plane kept getting delayed. We were preparing ourselves to leave for the airport. I personally am not fond of flying, so I was giving myself a pep talk. Telling myself that this is the fastest way to get there, and people do this every day no big deal. We get to the airport, only to find out that we weren’t going anywhere that day. But we would soon realize after returning the following day to do the same thing, it was delayed. After three days of being let down we found out that we would leave a week later.

So, within that week, my mom would repeat that patience was a virtue.

What is a virtue? Continue reading “Jalynn Hoefs and a Demonstration of Moral Excellence: Patience”

Addictiv’: Body, Mind, and Spirit

Addictiv’: Body, Mind, and Spirit

This post I am currently writing right now I feel is a serious discussion, and that there are large number of elements that come into play when it comes to addictions.  Addictions have a way of appearing in a person’s life without them knowing they have an addiction, because our personalities tend to have addictive tendencies.  We always are craving something, wanting something, or needing something.  And for the most part, I feel we have fair warnings of possibly becoming addicted to anything we start.
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