

Our online ministry is changing its name from “New Life Health Ministries” to “TEAMzao”, as of October 1st, 2016.

There are many reasons for this change, and much prayer has gone into the decision. One reason for this is because we do not wish to sound like we are some old, southern baptist organization (we love some of those organizations – but, they simply are not us).

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Generosity – The Proving Element of Love

Generosity – The Proving Element of Love


rarity_generosity_necklace_by_ryoki_fureaokibi-d4ieaj0.pngMe and Doctor Showbizhair watch a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It is an educational television series about the magic of friendship…. That’s what I choose to refer to it as, anyway. In this show, there exists something called “the elements of harmony”. These elements represent the magic that is found in friendship. And one of these elements is “generosity”.

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The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire

The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour (1 John 2:18 ESV). 

We created sin. We often create our own demons, antichrists, and downfalls. Just like the kingdom of heaven is not coming but is already here, so one may argue that the end times are not coming but are already upon us. We can either live in fear and create our own end, or we can choose to spread the messages of love, salvation, and hope durring these times.

Each soul is a spark thrown out into a dark world. We can choose to either light the world ablaze with fear and hatred or with hope and love. Continue reading “The Parable of The Mark and The Hellfire”

The Parable of The Mark and The Orphanage

The Parable of The Mark and The Orphanage

No one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name (Revelation 13:17).

Our time, effort, and funds reflect our heart condition. This is what worship truly is. What you spend your time, effort, and money on is what you worship. We choose to worship ourselves, we choose gods and idols to worship, or we choose to worship selfless love. The choice is made in the heart, but reflected through the stewardship of these things.

The following parable was written by Joshua Noel as part three of five in a parable series, called "The Mark".

In the town like any other,
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Book Review: The Celtic Way of Evangelism

51en5WGHc0LOne of the services I’ll be providing for New Life’s blog is book reviews. I have several in the works, but I’m very excited about this first one.

While I spend a lot of time reading comics and working with my kids, I also have an intellectual side that craves knowledge. That craving for knowledge led me to teach Church History. There are so many things that have been lost to the Church, primarily because those in charge (first the Roman Catholic Church, then whatever arm of Protestantism was prevalent in your region) silenced their competition by banning and burning books and sometimes people…okay, usually people along with the books.
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The Parable of the Mark and the Three Friends

The Parable of the Mark and the Three Friends

And to it (the beast) the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority…. They worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?’ (Revelation 13:2b & 4)

Many think of friendship as a virtue or a purpose. Few think of it as anything but necessary and good. True friendship can be many things: it can be gold; it can be sack cloth; it can be tar.

The following parable was written by Joshua Noel as part two of five in a parable series, called "The Mark".

Continue reading “The Parable of the Mark and the Three Friends”