A Story, In A Story, In A Book, In A Book, In A Book


Reading the Gospels is like watching the movie, Inception. The stories that Jesus tell us are in context of the stories that Jesus is in which is in context of either Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John those books are in context of the New Testament and the New Testament is in context of the Bible as a whole. Thus the stories that Jesus tells are stories within stories within books within a book within a book.
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8 Reasons Why My Posts Don’t Come in Lists


You may have noticed that none of my posts up till this point have been lists. I like lists, I really do. But there is a number of reasons why they don’t work for my writing or for the subject matter of this site.

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Kingdoms of Men: ISIS, Evangelicalism, & Consumerism

Our world is filled with more kingdoms now than ever before. Some of these kingdoms we knowingly contribute to, some kingdoms we unwittingly fear, but we are all involved in them and in their battles. Only one kingdom will ever stand, however –  the kingdom of heaven.

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Prophetic Literature: Judgement is Mercy

Today’s culture has Christians afraid to judge.  Prophetic literature centers around the idea of judgment though, so avoiding the topic means avoiding an entire major literary genre that composes the Bible.  The problem is not that Christians judge too much or too little; the problem is that Christians forget they only have the right to speak judgment that God has already declared.  Another problem is a misunderstanding of what judgment is.  Judgment is mercy!

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Wisdom Literature

Religion as a whole, theology especially, is criticised for being pointless; worse, it has been called only a place for tension, argument, and wars. This may often be true, but wisdom literature in the Bible presents a practical theology which may allow for a more pointed and tension-free Christian philosophy.

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Biblical Poetry

Biblical Poetry

Biblical Poetry is a tricky literary genre for western-minded Americans. We often grasp the letters of Paul or stories from the Bible a little easier, for they appeal to logic. But the psalms of the Bible appeal to our emotions, which for many of us (myself very much included), is a bit of a bridge to cross. Continue reading “Biblical Poetry”